Personality Quiz
By Mary O’Connell & Sharlin Jahan
Award-winning comedians, best friends, and self-confessed self-absorbs, Mary O’Connell and Sharlin Jahan, endeavour to discover more about themselves and their celebrity guests by completing personality quizzes. Every week: a new quiz, new revelations, and big laughs. Produced & edited by Dom Stephens.
(Title music: ”She’s On My Mind” by Josh Woodward -
(Title music: ”She’s On My Mind” by Josh Woodward -
Latest episode
Which Star Sign Are You Most Compatible With?
A marathon episode that is, quite literally, a scream. -
Are These Rom-Com Tropes Cringe IRL?
An early-summer 'Valentine's Day' special. Ooh-La-Las abound. Recorded immediately after The Potato One and Mary & Sharlin are audibly still shaken. -
Which Potato Are You?
Mary & Sharlin lose whatever grip they previously held on sanity. -
Do You Have A UTI?
A hyper-targeted quiz based very much upon real-life events. -
What’s Your Little Miss Personality?
Mary discovers Sharlin isn't a Communicator and 'Gary' is born. -
The Pilot - Which Thanksgiving Food Are You?
The pilot episode. Revelations include: Mary's Dark Feminine Energy, Sharlin's Date date, and the mask of standup. (Recorded: November 2022.)