Is That An Option?
By Gyrfa Cymru
Podlediad i unrhyw un sy’n gofalu ar ôl pobol ifanc ac yn aros am ganlyniadau arholiadau Awst 2020. Betsan Powys sydd yn siarad ag arbenigwyr ym maes addysg, prentisiaethau, gwirfoddoli, fydd yn eu tro yn gwrando ar bobol ifanc yn trafod yr hyn sy’n eu poeni nhw, a’r camau nesaf ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Podcasts for anyone who looks after young people and are awaiting exam results in August 2020. Betsan Powys speaks to experts from education, apprenticeships, and volunteering who in turn will listen to young people as they discuss what worries them and the next steps for the future.
Podcasts for anyone who looks after young people and are awaiting exam results in August 2020. Betsan Powys speaks to experts from education, apprenticeships, and volunteering who in turn will listen to young people as they discuss what worries them and the next steps for the future.
Latest episode
Pwyso a mesur ar ôl derbyn canlyniadau
Gyda’r canlyniadau TGAU wedi’u cyhoeddi, does dim nawr i atal miloedd o bobol ifanc drwy Gymru rhag penderfynu o ddifri pa opsiwn sydd ar gael ac sy’n addas iddyn nhw. -
Was It Heaven For Year 11?
Betsan finds out how our students got in their GCSEs and speaks to the mums about the process leading up to results day. And there's good practical advice on next steps from Careers Wales' careers adviser, Louise Evans. -
Aros yn nerfus am ganlyniadau TGAU
Mae Betsan a'r panel o arbenigwyr yn dychwelyd i drafod gyda theuluoedd sy'n disgwyl canlyniadau TGAU, eu gobeithion a'u pryderon yn arwain at ddiwrnod canlyniadau. -
The Nervous Wait For The “Second Wave” Of Results
Betsan and her panel of experts return to discuss with the families expecting GCSE results, their initial hopes and concerns ahead of results day. -
Y ffordd trwy’r dryswch
Gall gwrandawyr ddarganfod mwy am y teuluoedd hynny sydd wedi derbyn canlyniadau Safon Uwch, gan drafod sut maen nhw'n teimlo, y canlyniadau a'r camau nesaf gyda'r panel arbenigwyr. Ydych chi ang… -
A Level-headed Chat About A Levels
Betsan Powys catches up with Scott and mum Katherine in Meifod to find out whether he got the grades he needed for Durham. She also chats to careers advisor Matthew Cadman about how best to make your way through the fog of the most unusual of A Level… -
Getting Ready For A-Levels Results Day
With just a few days to go, Betsan and the panel of experts discuss initial hopes and concerns with the families expecting A-Level results this week. -
Edrych ‘mlaen at ganlyniadau Safon Uwch
Ychydig o ddyddiau sydd i fynd, mae Betsan a’r panel o arbenigwyr yn trafod y gobeithion a'r pryderon gyda’r teuluoedd sydd yn disgwyl canlyniadau Safon Uwch. -
Pa Opsiwn i Ti?
Podlediad i unrhyw un sy’n gofalu ar ôl pobol ifanc ac yn aros am ganlyniadau arholiadau Awst 2020. Betsan Powys sydd yn siarad ag arbenigwyr ym maes addysg, prentisiaethau, gwirfoddoli, fydd yn eu tro yn gwrando ar bobol ifanc yn trafod yr … -
Welcome to 'Is That An Option?'
The podcast for anyone looking after - and looking out for - young people waiting for exam results this summer. Betsan Powys and a panel of experts follow families, discussing their hopes, concerns, and what the next steps are, for those getting exam…