Conscious Leadership Podcast

Purpose, Anxiety and Grief the Connection

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Episode notes

    Julie reflects on the profound impact of death, grief, and the loss of purpose. Drawing from personal experiences, particularly the death of their mother in 2018, she shares her journey of navigating grief and the subsequent loss of direction, paying particular attention to the importance of discussing death and the inevitability of losing loved ones, urging listeners to consider their purpose beyond familial connections. 


    Death and grief are inevitable parts of life, and it is important to acknowledge and talk about them. We the need to have conversations about death and prepare ourselves for the loss of loved ones.

    Having a sense of purpose is crucial for navigating through grief and difficult times. There is value to be found in finding a purpose that is greater than oneself and provides a sense of direction and meaning.

    Aimlessness and anxiety are interconnected. When one is aimless and unsure of which direction to go, it creates inner anxiety. This anxiety can lead to feelings of depression, stress, and a lack of positive emotions.

    Having a goal or purpose produces positive emotions and rewards. When one has a clear goal and takes steps towards achieving it, the brain releases dopamine, which creates positive emotions and strengthens the neural circuits associated with motivation and progress.


    "Grief is a thing that we suffer from. Grief is an emotion. It will affect all of us very differently, of course it will, because we are all unique beings." 

    "So what happened? The relationship broke down. So not only did I lose mum, I also lost the purpose that I had with my partner. So all of a sudden, I had no future." 

    "Your brain is set up to produce positive emotion. And if you're aimless and you haven't got the goal, what are you going to reward yourself with? So the emotion of positivity decreases because you've got no goal." 

    "Find a purpose that is greater than yourself. It is greater than the person you are. It is greater than your partner, greater than your child, greater than your parent. Find a purpose that is bigger than all of those things combined."


    The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin   
    The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
    Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

    I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.

    In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊

    I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.

    I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.

    I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.

    I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker

    I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

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