Conscious Leadership Podcast

Building Credibility: The Key to Trust, Expertise, and Charisma

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In this episode of the Conscious Leadership Podcast, host Julie Hogbin explores the topic of building credibility. She emphasises that credibility is the currency of personal and professional development, leadership, and business. Julie breaks down credibility into two major components: trustworthiness and expertise. Trustworthiness involves fulfilling promises and being reliable, while expertise requires demonstrating extensive knowledge and experience in a specific area. Julie also discusses the importance of charisma and attractiveness in building credibility, as well as the impact of credibility in both personal and professional relationships. She provides practical tips on how to establish and maintain credibility, such as using accurate facts, showcasing expertise, and practicing integrity-led authenticity. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and strategies for cultivating and protecting one's credibility in various aspects of life.


  • Credibility is a combination of trustworthiness and expertise. It involves fulfilling promises, being reliable, and demonstrating extensive knowledge and experience in a certain area.
  • Charisma and attractiveness play a role in building credibility, but it is more about the appeal that stems from your unique personality and values.
  • Credibility is important both online and offline, and it has personal and professional implications. It can be the key to building meaningful connections and establishing a positive reputation.
  • Accurate facts and clear communication are the foundation of credibility. Sharing compelling evidence, showcasing expertise, and mentioning credible sources in an informative and humble manner are important.
  • Integrity-led authenticity is crucial for credibility. It involves speaking from the heart, balancing logic with emotion, and maintaining honesty, ethics, and integrity. Admitting mistakes, highlighting common ground, and creating connection and resonance with others reinforce credibility.

"Credibility is the currency of its own. It involves a perfect blend of trustworthiness, expertise, integrity, and a large sprinkle of charisma."
"Accurate facts are the foundation of your credibility. Be precise and clear in your communication. Use real-life stories, real-life images to make your points relatable and understandable."
"Integrity is honesty and morally based. Show your passion, speak with purpose, and remain composed with and through emotional intelligence."
"If you promise something, fulfil it. If you make a mistake, own it, apologise, and make amends. Always be ready to admit any weakness in your argument and mistake you have made."
"By adhering to the principles of trustworthiness, showcasing your expertise, maintaining honesty and integrity, and emphasising shared common ground, you can establish and uphold a credible persona."

The Life-Changing Magic of Setting Goals book by Julie Hogbin   
The Authorities - Julie Hogbin: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field book by Julie Hogbin, Raymond Aaron, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Gray
Stress The Reality by Julie Hogbin

Julie Hogbin
I started my career within the accountancy profession, moving on into auditing, then Learning & Development where I have spent over 30 years.
In 2011 I threw everything up in the air and became a property investor via forex, trading and learning how to build websites & internet market whilst walking on fire 😊
I have worked with over 20,000 Leaders at every level of Management and Leadership for over 30+ years. In the latter years working with CEOs, SMTs, boards of trustees & Entrepreneurs.
I have worked with the public, the private and the entrepreneurial sectors of the market. The Leadership messages are the same across the sectors – the application may be different but all are Business’ where Conscious and Principled Leadership reaps rewards for all parties concerned.
I work with the human element of Business and my passion is enabling others to be the best they can be through providing them with the information they need to be more effective than they currently are. Unleashing potential and providing knowledge enables the best decisions to be made for the Business, the Employee, the Leader (themselves), their families and the greater social economy.
I am a Coach, a Mentor (and I know the difference) Trainer, Author, a property investor and public speaker
I love to travel, sunshine, smiley people, intelligent conversation, laughter, learning, networking, supporting others, property as a business, investigating ‘stuff’ problem-solving, asking questions that make people think, creating aha moments, gardening and flowers and being outside.

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