Innovate for Impact

Ep #125 - Jamie Hodgson: How Key Assets Australia have aligned the organisation to deliver client centred innovation

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Episode notes

In this episode, Tracey Newman and Dan Bentley speak with Jamie Hodgson, CEO of Chrysalis Transformation Hub within Key Assets Australia. He discusses how Chrysalis is taking a shared service approach to build innovation capability within the organisation, with their first initiative focusing on co-designing with young people on the 'Voice of the Child'.

Here is a taste of what Tracey and Dan cover in the conversation:

  • Chrysalis was set up to disrupt and innovate within the organisation using human-centred design
  • Chrysalis is taking a shared service approach to build innovation capability.
  • Their first initiative is focusing on the 'Voice of the Child' and co-designing with young people.
  • Key Assets is committed to innovation at all levels including the board

Links from the episode: