Innovate for Impact

Ep #123 - Why every organisation needs an innovation process

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Episode notes

In this episode, Tracey Newman and Dan Bentley talk about why every organisation needs an innovation process.  They also cover what a good innovation process looks like and some things leaders should think about when setting one up.

Here is a taste of what Tracey and Dan cover in the conversation:

  • Empowering people through an innovation process is crucial for organisations to be innovative and impactful. 
  • Innovative and impactful organisations enable their people to create change by providing an easy and accessible innovation process.
  • Implementing idea-sourcing platforms in organisations.
  • Importance of engagement and diverse representation in idea-sourcing programs.
  • The need for representatives from different teams to understand the impact of ideas on the entire client journey.
  • Insights-driven approach can lead to more effective solutions by avoiding unnecessary technology and streamlining processes.
  • Making the submission process easy and flexible for frontline staff is key.

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