The Mike Cassidy Photography Podcast

Trevor Sherwin - New Year, New Camera?

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Episode notes

On this episode of The Mike Cassidy Photography Podcast I have a conversation with is Trevor Sherwin of Provocateur Images in Toronto, Canada. Trevor has been a professional boudoir photographer for eight years, and been involved in the business of photography for even longer.

I wanted to have a chat with Trevor about camera gear, and making smart decisions about what to buy. Additionally, I talk a bit about my new purchase, and we answer a few listener questions from the mail bag.

Argh! I'm so sorry, I somehow screwed up my audio levels while recording and my audio sounds baaaadddd. I tried to fix it as best I could... but it's still pretty horrible. Sorry! 😥


Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • Mike's new camera purchase.
  • A few camera tips for beginners.
  • Answering listener questions.


Links/Products In This Episode:



Where To Find Trevor Sherwin:

Provocateur Images Website -

Instagram -