Original Ideas
7. Archaeology
Episode notes
What does the past tell us about the future? How does Archaeology impact the world we live in? In 2024, the Liverpool Institute of Archaeology celebrated its 120th birthday, and it has developed an international reputation for its quality of teaching and research.
Gavin Freeborn is joined by University of Liverpool researchers Professor Larry Barham, Dr Ceren Kabukcu and Rachel Stokes to discuss their work - looking at how they were drawn to Archaeology, and the multi-disciplinary nature of the work, including the UK's Arts & Humanities Research Council funded Deep Roots of Humanity Project in south-central Africa (Zambia). They aimed to take a slice of time (roughly 500,000 to 300,000 years ago) before the evolution of Homo sapiens, because we know very little about this period as there are few well-dated sites. This led to the Old Wood discovery making worldwide headlines.
For info: NERC facility refers to the Natural Environment Research Council. Learn more: liverpool.ac.uk/research/original-ideas/