PR Powerhouse with Jo Swann

032 How To Make It In The Mainstream - Remel London

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Episode notes

In this episode I share with you some insights from a fabulous talk from radio and TV Presenter. Remel London - who talked about 'How to Make it into the Mainstream' at Dani Wallace's recent Bee Inspired event.

Listening to Remel's talk from a female entrepreneur perspective, with a PR hat on was so interesting as she talked about making the most of opportunities, the importance of  authenticity, not taking no for an answer and being brave to fully showcase your true passion for your craft. As a purpose and passion filled entrepreneur or startup it's essential you stand behind your mission and what you are here to do with your work. If you're holding yourself back in any way I hope you'll find these insights inspiring - I certainly did! We need to get visible in our business to do it justice. We need to use the media and press to showcase and further amplify our message. We need to create our own opportunities to generate the impact we desire. It's time to do all these things! x

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