
Talk Over Technology

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Episode notes

In this episode of the Relationality Podcast, Dr. Gwen and Sherilyn discuss the importance of verbal communication in relationships. They highlight the limitations of texting and social media, emphasizing the need for tone and delivery in conversations. Both hosts express frustration with people who are constantly on their phones during social interactions, stressing the importance of being fully present and engaged. Sherilyn shares personal experiences where she had to explain the limitations of text messages and the value of face-to-face communication. They conclude by emphasizing the need to find a balance between technology and verbal communication for healthy relationships.

Love Lesson: Know when to talk and know when to text

#RelationalityPodcast #RelationshipRoundtable, #LeaveCleaveWeave, #RelatingDatingAndMating, #WhatsYourRelationshipRhythm

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