SBS Bislama

What were the Australian Wars and why is history not acknowledged? - Ostrelian Wars hemi Wanem mo From Wanem Histri hemi no Tokbaot?

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The Frontier Wars is a term often used to describe the more than 100 years of violent conflicts between colonial settlers and the Indigenous peoples that occurred during the British settlement of Australia. Even though Australia honours its involvement in wars fought overseas, it is yet to acknowledge the struggle that made it the country it is today. - Frontier Wars hemi wan toktok we oli stap yusum blong tokbaot wan-handred yia faet we ol British settlers we oli kam long Ostrelia oli mekem faet ia wetem ol indijinis pipol blong Ostrelia. Evri yia, Ostrelia hemi stap tokbaot mo rispektem bikwan ol bikfala faet we oli stap tekem pat long hem long ol naraples ovasi, be hemi no tokbaot nating wan impoten pat long histri we hemi mekem wanem we yumi save tede olsem Ostrelia.