SBS Cantonese - SBS廣東話節目

Cultural burning: using fire to protect from fire and revive Country - 傳統文化燃燒以火來保護土地

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Did you know that Indigenous Australians have been using fire to care for the land for tens of thousands of years? Evidence show that cultural burning practices not only help reduces the intensity and frequency of wildfires but also plays a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Experts share insights on the latest evidence behind this ancient practice. - 知不知道幾千年以來,原住民用火作為保護和管理這塊土地的重要工具? 傳統文化燃燒(Cultural Burning)作為一種經過驗證的方法,不僅能減少野火的發生,還能維護國土的健康,亦正逐漸重新受到重視。學者和消防管理專業人士就分享了他們對這原住民傳統知識的看法。