Can the school send my child home? (unofficial suspensions) - FAQ Series

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Episode notes

Has your child been sent home from school and are you unsure if it’s an official suspension?


In this episode, your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and SENDIASS adviser Laura Nardella explain what constitutes an unofficial suspension or an official one, including definitions, the processes and your next steps as a parent. 

This is part of our FAQ series, which focuses on the commonly asked questions we get asked here at SENDIASS.

Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast and episode introduction

[00:14] Question introduction

[02.05] Is sending a child home allowed?

[03.45] Officially recording and school processes

[07.41] Does it matter if it’s an unofficial or official suspension?[09.06] What are the protections?

[11.34] Additional considerations for SEND pupils

[14.08] What if parents are okay with their child coming home? [16.07] Parent takeaway

[17.34] Outro and links to further information


SENDIASS factsheets

Factsheet 9: Exclusions, suspensions and part-time timetables - go to 

Other useful resources

- DFE guidance: School suspensions and permanent exclusions 

SENDIASS Manchester

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.