Conducting and following up school meetings

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Episode notes

It’s OK to feel unsure about what to do at a school meeting. Should you take notes? What about when the meeting has ended?

So in this episode, we discuss what happens at a school meeting, what you need to bring, and how to follow up when it’s all happened.

Joining your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull in this episode is Laura Nardella an adviser at SENDIASS Manchester and once again Siarah, a parent who explains her experience of how she’s conducted and followed up school meetings

In episode 2 ‘Preparing for school meetings’ we share with you the important steps you should take before conducting and following up on your school meeting. Listen in our podcast feed.  
Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast and episode introduction
[01:22] Top tips for parents at school meetings
[02.43] Taking notes / minutes
[03.51] Being positive  
[08.04] Confirming the action plan
[09.49] Sharing your notes
[11.24] The parent - Siarah
[11.50] The process after the meeting
[13.34] Does the school send minutes?
[14.19] How Siarah takes notes / minutes
[15.49] Siarah’s tips to calm your nerves
[17.11] Outro with useful further information and contact details

More information

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.

You can also visit IPSEA