Why have I received a notice of consideration letter? - FAQ Series

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Episode notes

After an educational health care needs assessment is sent, the local authority will send you a ‘Notice of Consideration’ letter.

But these letters can prove a little confusing!

In this episode, your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and SENDIASS adviser Laura Nardella take you through the whys and what fors of a ‘notice of consideration letter’, why you get sent them, what they mean and how you can respond. 

This is part of our FAQ series, which focuses on the commonly asked questions we get asked here at SENDIASS.

Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast and episode introduction

[01:15] Introduction to question

[01.38] What is a notice of consideration letter?

[02.10] What causes the confusion?

[03.27] Why local authorities send the letter

[05.57] Parent takeaway

[05.27] Outro and links to more info

More information

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.