What is SENDIASS? - FAQ series

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Episode notes

Perhaps a friend, colleague, local authority or school has advised that you call SENDIASS.

But just what is SENDIASS?

In this episode, your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and SENDIASS adviser Laura Nardella take you through the SENDIASS service and the SEND-related support we offer to young people, parents and professionals.

This is part of our FAQ series, which focuses on the commonly asked questions we get asked here at SENDIASS.

Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast & episode introduction

[01:18] Introduction to question

[02.15] What is SENDIASS

[02.17] Breakdown of SENDIASS

[02.52] Who the service is for

[03.28] Working with professionals

[03.50] The information provided

[04.03] Example questions we get asked

[05.12] More information links

[05.35] Outro 

More information

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.