How do I check my child’s draft EHC plan? - FAQ Series

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Episode notes

Every child with an educational health care plan (EHC) will be sent a draft plan first. We know it’s a big document with lots of sections, so we’re here to help you check it.

In this episode, your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull and SENDIASS adviser Laura Nardella take you through all the sections of a draft EHC plan, including where to start and lots of great advice to help you.

Have your draft EHC plan in front of you and follow along!

This is part of our FAQ series, which focuses on the commonly asked questions we get asked here at SENDIASS.

Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast and episode introduction

[01:15] Question introduction / the timings of draft plan

[02.14] Where to start

[04.27] Section A

[05.03] Section B

[08.13] Why Section B is important

[10.08] Sections C and D

[10.31] Section E

[12.25] Section F

[16.55] Why specificity in section F is important

[22.13] Sections G and H

[24.01] Sections J and K

[25.12] Naming a preferred school

[26.27] Outro with useful further information and contact details 


SENDIASS factsheets

Factsheet 1: Education Health and Care plans - go to 

Other useful resources

IPSEA EHC checklist -

SENDIASS Manchester

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.