The EHCP process

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Episode notes

An education, health and care plan is something you may have heard about if you or your child has SEN. But sometimes it can be difficult to navigate all the information that comes with them.

In this episode, we discuss all things EHCP, from what they are, the process of getting one, and all the guidance surrounding them.

Joining your host Vic Elizabeth Turnbull in this episode is Andrew Lomax an adviser at SENDIASS Manchester and Tanya, a parent who tells you about her experiences of the EHCP process when it came to her child.
Talking points in this episode

[00.00] Podcast and episode introduction
[01:16] Andrew introduction
[01.42] Who is this episode useful for?
[02.09] What is an education and health care plan?
[03.49] When an EHCP is needed
[04.46] When a request can be made
[06.04] Explanation of ‘a setting’
[06.11] Further advice of when a request can be made
[07.22] What happens when a local authority refuses to issue / assess a plan?
[07.57] Seeing if existing support can be met
[10.16] The assessment is agreed, what happens next?
[11.08] The school or setting
[12.04] The final step
[12.45] The parent - Tanya
[12.52] Tanya introduction and her family’s story
[15.29] Going through the process more than once
[17.14] Tiring experiences
[18.30] Her EHCP experience
[20.30] Accurately describing her child’s needs
[25.29] Has the EHCP helped her son?
[27.20] Tanya’s advice for parents
[29.45] Andy’s suggested next steps
[30.26] Outro with useful further information and contact details

More information

Visit the SENDIASS Manchester website for further information, support, factsheets and our contact details if you want to reach out.

You can also visit IPSEA