Stand In Your Power

Shaking Off The Limitations of 1-1

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Episode notes

Working with clients 1:1 can be intensely satisfying and can bring a a higher level of results, as well as adding a premium layer to your other course and group programs.

But the nature of 1:1 work means that there’s a limit on how many clients you can take on at any one time - which also means an upper limit on your revenue.

If you want to grow your business in a way that includes 1:1 offers, I’ve got some tips and insight that are going to help you break through that capacity ceiling to make sure you’re able to continue growing your business and client roster however you choose to work with clients!

3 Reasons To Listen To This Episode:

‣ Learn how to increase your revenue working 1:1 with clients, besides just arbitrarily raising your prices

‣ What it looks like to work with more private clients without over-extending yourself and without maxing out your calendar

‣ How integrating scalable practices into your 1:1 packages helps to elevate your client experience to a more premium one

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