The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide
Dressed in ALL BLACK Like the Omen
Episode notes
You have to be old enough to have seen The Omen AND current enough (if you call the 90s current) to remember Lil’ Kim’s iconic line in “All About the Benjamins” to catch the reference I’m dropping here. Episode 2 of Season 4 of The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide continues with the ongoing my ongoing post-divorce journey. Broken boundaries, making myself small, the past, present, and an unconfirmed future relationship collide at a birthday party where my insecurities are running high from the way I look, what I have to offer as a person, to the clothes I'm wearing. Although the growth is real, there are still many stumbling blocks along the way that this divorced guy has to overcome.
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If you're new to this podcast, thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little later and everyone else is already dancing.
Resources from the Episode :
You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise:
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