The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

After Paris: When the Past Sends You a Text

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Episode notes

When the past sends you a text, you:

  1. respond happily and pick up where you left off.
  2. ignore it and possibly block them.
  3. run like the wind.
  4. break your phone, then change your number.
  5. Some of the above.
  6. None of the above.

In Episode 8 of Season 4, the Past makes a surprise appearance in my life while I navigate a new career opportunity, my singleness, am uncomfortable walk down social media memory lane, and my growing hypocrisy as it relates to one person in particular. Topics covered in this episode: managing expectations in relationships and managing emotions because of and despite past and present traumas.

IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne


This episode is in loving and brotherly memory of Hasan Jelani Durley [July 6, 1974 - January 31, 2022] Learn more:


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  • The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.
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