The Locked up Living Podcast

Martyn Pitman, (audio) former consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, describes the catastrophic risks of whistleblowing.

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Episode notes

Martyn Pittman, was a popular and successful consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist. He tells us his story of being dismissed from his dream job after raising concerns about patient safety and management issues. He describes the hostile takeover of his hospital by a neighboring trust, (a common but little investigated event) the imposition of a midwifery-led normalisation agenda, and the resistance to evidence-based care. Martyn's whistleblowing led to a formal investigation and a campaign to discredit him, including spreading false rumors. He highlights the isolation and gaslighting he experienced throughout the process. Martyn Pitman shares his experience of being a whistleblower in the NHS and the devastating impact it had on his career and personal life. He discusses the unfair treatment he faced from the trust, the lengthy investigation process, and the lack of support from the legal system. Martyn emphasizes the importance of self-care and seeking support during such challenging times. He also highlights the need for accountability and support for whistleblowers in the healthcare system.