TingTing and KaKa's

【ENG】我们之间...是"纯"友谊还是"蠢"友谊?(下)Can men and women be just friends? (Part 2/2)

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Episode notes

Welcome to TingTing and Kaka’s first English episode - In this episode, TingTing and Kaka are joined by their friends Tom and Issa to continue to explore if platonic relationships exist. The group is diving deep into topics like what is that switch from friendship to romance and is it harder for men to have a platonic friendship than women.

这是婷婷和卡卡第一个全英文博客集,这集我们请来我们的好友Tom and Issa,带入西方视角深入探讨我们上期的话题 - 直男直女间是否存在纯友谊捏?对上集意犹未尽的你们,快来加入我们的闲聊吧.