Tiny Voice Talks

Our Wonderfully Wired Brains with Louise Gooding

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Episode notes

In this episode, Toria chats to Louise about a relatively new concept - neurodiversity. Louise has ADHD and has made it her mission to demystify some of the language and misunderstandings around neurodiversity and neurodivergence. 

Louise is a children's author who has a keen interest in sharing stories that feature characters that stand out, are different and who have something to say. Inspired by stories from her own experiences she took up writing to  sensitive issues within children’s books such as disability, neurodiversity and mental health.

To find out more about Louise and the books she has written click here - https://www.louisegooding.com/

To order a copy of Wonderfully Wired Brains click here - https://www.dk.com/uk/book/9780241640210-wonderfully-wired-brains/

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