Toastcaster Communication Leadership Learning Lab

TC 174: Tips on Becoming a World Class Host & Emcee – Nathan Cassar

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Episode notes

[39:37] Wonder what it takes to be a great Emcee and Host? It takes more than just being able to be a good talker with an ability to wing it off the mic. Our special guest today Nathan Cassar is an award-winning professional and one of Australia's Premier Wedding & Corporate Emcees and known as the go-to guy for making any event unforgettable.

Nathan Cassar has over a decade of experience and a strong reputation in the entertainment industry, this includes being a former Entertainment Host for prestigious Princess Cruise Line for several years. Nathan has also had the privilege of performing for thousands of happy guests spanning 40+ nationalities across the globe.

Nathan shares with us a little about his journey starting with his humbled origins as a young bullied introvert who overcame adversity to today where he has become a world-class host and Master of Ceremonies.

Nathan also shares many tips and best practices on what makes a great emcee for those who may want to entertain that career path.

You’ll also hear many do's and don'ts and learn how to create your own improv treasure chest that can be used both onstage and offstage and in many other impromptu speaking environments.  In addition to many entertaining stories full of his invaluable wisdom, Nathan also shares tips on what to look for if you are searching for an emcee for your event and more.

Nathan Cassar lives in Sydney, Australia an can be reached via his website as well as on his various social media platforms below.