The Vision-Nari Podcast

Dhanya Balasubramanian on a mission to make conscious Indian brands accessible to the world

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Episode notes

In episode 43, our Vision-Nari is Dhanya Balasubramanian, Founder of Papreeka - a destination for shopping conscious and sustainable brands. Papreeka was founded by Dhanya , when she got curious about Indian brands who make a dent in the universe with authentic traditional craftsmanship while supporting a thriving community of artisans. Papreeka’s collection was also featured at New York Fashion Week 2021 where it showcased products entirely made from natural materials - clay, recycled metal, upcycled silver, glass, brass and responsibly sourced leather.. Tune in as Dhanya shares her journey with Papreeka and how it’s impacting the south asian artisan community.

Go check-out Papreeka and their awesome collection at For the Vision-Nari listeners, Papreeka is giving an exclusive 10% discount. Use code VN10 at the checkout and avail 10% discount that applies to all products in the store. So hurry up and go do some conscious shopping today!