Everything From Nothing: The Waterloo Road Podcast

INTERVIEW: Jason Manford, aka Steve Savage

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Episode notes

This one is a doozy, folks! Jason Manford joined us to reflect on his brief time as Waterloo Road headteacher. He explains why Donte was the man chosen for that final confrontation and answers our all-important questions about the Politician Thumb and Savage's gravity-defying hair. It's a hell of a chat! 

*** If you want to subscribe to the PATREON page, visit http://www.patreon.com/waterlooroadpod/ for full details. You can get an extra 15 minutes of Jason Manford if you subscribe now. ***

Many thanks to our current Patrons: Erin, Matthew Kumar, Eve, avidcollector, Laura, Grace, Theo, Natalie (@nataliethebookreader on Instagram), Richard, Lucy Fields, Hazel, Lottie Smith, Etta, Jade, Ollie C, Helen, Kat, Joe Buckle, Catval, Mel, Hannah Louise (NHS Mental Health Services), Peter, Lou Parsons, KP, Bryn, Lily-Ann, Beckett, Ryan, Nathalie, Esther, Rebecca Grimshaw, Ricky, Helen (@red.head.read on Instagram), Megan, Sarah Mythen, Laura A, and Matthew.

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