Woman In Progress

Hustling for Worthiness: Perfectionism

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Episode notes

If your answer to the common interview question “what’s your biggest weakness?” is some version of “I’m a bit of a perfectionist”, you’re in the right place. And don’t get me wrong; while a generous dose of healthy striving can improve the quality of your work, and life in general, there is a dark side to setting extremely high standards for yourself and those around you. In today’s episode, we’ll be deep diving into the second way we Women in Progress show up when we hustle for our worthiness: as perfectionists. So if you’re ready to tackle your relationship with perfectionism once and for all, be sure to hit play!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What perfectionism is and how it might be showing up in your life
  • The ways we justify our perfectionist tendencies to ourselves
  • Subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways your behavior is actually perfectionism
  • Why perfectionism isn’t serving you, even though it can feel like something to be proud of
  • The ways perfectionism has held me back in different areas of my life
  • How having a different perspective of failure is a powerful tool in overcoming perfectionism

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