Woman In Progress

Ep 26: Be Who You Are with Kara Lennon (Part 2)

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Episode notes

Today’s special guest is a FORCE and someone we would all be lucky to have in our corner (or leading us through a fitness class). With her big hair and even bigger personality, Kara Lennon exudes confidence, says it like she means it, and isn’t afraid to show up unapologetically as exactly who she is. In Part 2 of this two-part episode, I sit down with Kara to talk about fitness, mental health, social media, and how she manages to rise above all the noise and stay true to herself no matter what.

Tune in to this week's episode to learn:

  • Why 'together we go far' is more than a tagline 
  • The genesis of "Hot People Eat Food" and why Kara thinks the movement took off the way it did
  • The work Kara has done to be authentic and show up as her real self on social media
  • How showing up as who you are is simply a muscle that needs to be flexed consistently
  • Kara's perspective on what it means to add value 


About Kara Lennon:

Kara's got it big - big beats, big hair and big personality. She spends her days connecting with humans through movement, education, conversation, collaboration and music. Kara is the creator of Elevate By K - a mobility focused, functional movement and interval training experience set to dope beats. Elevate was created to condition your mindset, elevate you to a higher state and power your vibe. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Health and Exercise Science from the University of Massachusetts. She is also an ex-SoulCycle Instructor, CPT, CFSC, CES, Precision Nutrition Level 1, Pre/Post-Natal Certified, Holistic Health Coach In-Training and mindset coach. As a seasoned instructor and leader, she spends her days teaching others to be their best both on and off the bike. You'll usually find her post-workout, shirtless with an iced coffee, galavanting through the city of San Diego.


Join Elevate by K: https://karalennon.com/

Find Kara on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karalennon/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@karalennon

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