Power, Strength & Vulnerability

My week from hell- with Denna

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Episode notes

At 16, Denna experienced her own week from hell. Close to her there was an attempted suicide, a suicide and a murder... Denna's life was ultimately flipped upside down. Falling into some unhealthy habits Denna hit many crossroads within her own life until one day she decided to take power back of her own life. This choice led her on an emotional journey which took her down a path of discovery and education. Denna now helps other people who struggle with their own mental wellbeing. A young leader and a star is shaping many lives for the better. If you want to follow Denna and the amazing work she is doing, give this podcast a follow and listen. AMWU Introduction - Addiction Mental Wellbeing Unlimited (AMWU) | Podcast on Spotify @dennagrace | Linktree If you want to support this podcast- here's how? This podcast is brought to you by the Power, Strength & Vulnerability wellbeing journal 'Three for me' and the book "I didn't want to die, I just wanted the pain to end' - to support this podcast, jump on the website and purchase your copy https://powerstrengthvulnerability.com.au/shop/