TingTing and KaKa's

Working for yourself VS Working for others

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Episode notes

As Tingting embarks on her creator journey full-time and Kaka strives to grow her side jewelry business, we became curious about:

  • How do business owners/entrepreneurs work? 
  • What are the challenges? 
  • Is there really more money and freedom when you "work for yourself"? 
  • And what is better -- working for others or working for yourself?

To answer these questions, we invited 2 friends who are business owners.

=== Introducing our guest ===

Issa He

Issa is a return guest from Season 1 Episode 3 and she was KaKa's teacher in interpretation. She started her language service business 7 years ago, specializing in legal, commercial, and art translation. And she is also the host of the Silent Reading Club which is a great community for all book lovers!

Sarah Cong

Sarah is a born entrepreneur and the founder of Cottonly -- luxury pure cotton wipes that cares for your skin. She had previously worked at the world's top luxury corporation, took on multiple ventures in her early 20s, and danced K-Pop with Tingting. 

===Join Us===

We would like to invite you to join the growth journey with a lot of fun, laughter, and deep conversations. If you would like to be our next guest or share your stories, visit tingtingandkakas.com!

===This Season of TingTing and KaKa’s ==

While we adjust to a new norm of working under an unprecedented COVID lockdown, KaKa quitted her job and reconnected with her purpose after a 2-month career break while Tingting just began hers.

This season we answer the question “What is work?” through brutally honest and fun conversations with our friends, colleagues and loved ones.

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